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Written by Armakuni
Sep 17, 2024

Creating Effortless Continuous Delivery Pipelines: Eliminate Pain, Maximise Flow

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Creating Effortless Continuous Delivery Pipelines: Eliminate Pain, Maximise Flow

Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines are designed to smooth out software development, accelerating the path from idea to production. They reduce the manual workload, but if not implemented correctly, pipelines can introduce new frustrations. After considering common pipeline challenges, here’s a look at how to avoid them and keep development painless.

What Defines a Truly Painless Pipeline?

A pipeline that is effortless doesn’t introduce new complexities. It streamlines the software delivery process while reducing the cognitive load on developers. The goal is to ensure that your pipeline delivers its promises without causing friction.

The Most Common Pipeline Pains

Despite the best intentions, many pipelines introduce challenges such as:

  • Unclear error messages: “Why did it fail?”
  • Difficult modifications: Endless tweaking to get things right.
  • Delayed feedback loops: Waiting too long to see if changes succeeded.

These pains typically arise from pipelines developed hastily or by disconnected teams focused on the short-term goal of getting things to work, rather than creating a smooth experience for everyone involved.

Three Ways Developers Interact with Pipelines

Software teams encounter pipelines in these scenarios:

  1. When it’s green (everything’s working)
  2. When it’s red (something has failed)
  3. When a change to the pipeline is needed

Each interaction offers its own unique set of challenges.

When Everything Works (Pipeline is Green)

When the pipeline is green, developers usually have minimal interaction. However, the risk lies in silent failures, where the pipeline reports success, but something has gone wrong. Aim for pipelines that clearly flag any hidden problems instead of giving a false sense of security.

When Things Break (Pipeline is Red)

A red pipeline means something went wrong. If the issue is clearly identified, this helps resolve the problem quickly. However, a pipeline that sends developers on a wild goose chase for the root cause is a major pain point.

Failures might come from:

  • Real issues with the code
  • Environment issues
  • Transient failures that occur occasionally and unpredictably

Reducing the pain of pipeline failures means creating clear, informative error messages and supporting them with proper monitoring tools.

When Changes Are Required

The process of updating pipelines can often be a headache. For example, you make a change, push it, wait for the pipeline to run, only for it to fail because of a trivial mistake. A well-designed pipeline should make updates easy, fast, and predictable.

Four Pillars of Painless Pipelines

To avoid these pitfalls, follow these core principles:

  1. Pipeline as a Product
    Your pipeline is a crucial part of the software stack. Treat it like one, with design, testing, and ongoing maintenance.
  2. Design for Developer Experience
    Your pipeline should serve its users—the developers. Make it intuitive and transparent, so they can easily understand errors and resolve them.
  3. Failure Is Expected
    Instead of building for only the happy path, embrace failure as a feature. A good pipeline will provide clarity and helpful information when things go wrong.
  4. Empower Your Developers
    Developers will both use and maintain the pipeline, so make it easy to modify, test, and troubleshoot.

Practices for Painless Pipeline Design

Here are practical steps to realise the above principles:

  1. Defensive Programming
    Pipelines should anticipate potential issues and provide clear feedback. This includes checks for environment variables, config files, and more. Your pipeline should guide developers to the right solution.
  2. Modular Steps
    Each step in the pipeline should be independently testable. This ensures that developers can run sections of the pipeline locally before committing changes.
  3. Clear and Expressive Code
    Use programming languages and tools that enhance clarity. Avoid cryptic bash scripts that can confuse users. Make your pipeline code as readable and maintainable as your application code.
  4. Reusability
    Build reusable pipeline components. If you’re investing time in creating effective tools, ensure they can be leveraged across projects and teams.

Conclusion: How Armakuni Can Simplify Your Pipelines

At Armakuni, we specialise in creating efficient and developer-friendly Continuous Delivery pipelines. Our approach focuses on reducing friction, improving feedback loops, and empowering your team to innovate faster. By treating pipelines as critical software components, we ensure they evolve as your business grows.

Our expertise helps clients avoid the pitfalls outlined above, building pipelines that don’t just work but provide a pain-free developer experience. With Armakuni, you can expect faster deliveries, reduced downtime, and a team that’s more focused on innovation than troubleshooting.

Let us help you build pipelines that scale with ease, support your team’s goals, and ultimately, drive better business outcomes.

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