Powering the future of entertainment with modern solutions

We help your teams transform legacy systems and enhance overall performance with modern, reliable entertainment solutions customised to your needs.

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At Armakuni, we understand the unique demands of managing digital content and engaging with audiences. Our specialised platforms address the pain points of inefficient systems and fragmented content delivery by providing scalable, high-performance solutions. With AK insights and custom strategies, we help your teams drive innovation, enhance user engagement, and streamline operations, all while keeping you ahead of the competition.

Typical outcomes includes

Real-time updates

Our platforms ensure real-time updates and seamless remote management, allowing you to stay agile and responsive to audience needs.

Cost saving solutions 

By optimising system performance and automating manual tasks, we help you achieve significant cost savings. Our approach simplifies processes and reduces the bottlenecks, resulting in better resource management and lower costs.

Seamless migration

We help with smooth transitions from legacy systems to modern platforms, ensuring minimal disruption and enhanced efficiency. Our expertise in containerization and centralised management simplifies complex migrations and upgrades.

High-performance reliability

We ensure zero-downtime migrations and high availability with cloud native solutions, reducing operational risks and maintaining uninterrupted service. This reliability enhances your brand’s trustworthiness and operational efficiency.

Armakuni’s extensive experience in entertainment and marketing services

With over a decade of experience, we’ve partnered with leading brands like Redbull and News UK to deliver high-performing entertainment solutions. With AK way, our expertise in building and scaling innovative platforms has enabled clients to achieve outstanding results, from enhanced digital engagement to seamless content delivery.

We specialise in transforming complex challenges into strategic advantages by leveraging modern technologies and advanced methodologies. Our work includes real-time automated updates for large-scale events, zero-downtime migrations for critical applications, and high-performance platforms for robust user experiences.

What we do

As your strategic partner, Armakuni enables your teams to deliver immersive and high-impact digital experiences.

Upgrading to modern platforms

Upgrading to modern platforms

We assist in migrating your legacy systems to modern, cloud native environments, ensuring minimal downtime and improved performance.

Enhanced digital experience

Enhanced digital experience

We design and deploy scalable platforms that extend live event experiences into digital channels, ensuring effective interaction and high user engagement.

System security

System security

We implement advanced security measures and continuous testing to protect your platforms from vulnerabilities, ensuring reliable performance.

Streamlining content delivery

Streamlining content delivery

Our expertise in automated processes and real-time updates enables your teams to manage content more efficiently, ensuring timely and accurate delivery.

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Our case studies

See how Armakuni Way has benefited these organisations

Process Up to 500 transactions a second concurrently


Reduction in operational cost

Comic Relief

Zero-Downtime Cloud-Native Payments Platform

Comic Relief’s biggest technology risk transformed to the mundane, without missing a single donation. Achieving high availability with reactive microservices continuously deployed to multi-cloud Platform as a Service.

Deployed to multi-cloud Platform as a Service

Mundane, without missing a single donation

1,500+ events

Annually receive real-time automated updates

80% reduction

In operational overhead


Enhanced Digital Engagement with Scalable Photo Booths

RedBull’s live event experiences extended seamlessly into digital channels, ensuring rapid deployment and innovation. Achieving a scalable, Kiosk-based system with real-time updates and remote management, without compromising user engagement.


Automated processes across all live events

Users engaged per event

Zero downtime seamless migration

Fully automated, TDD, and pipelined environment provision

News UK

Migration of Critical Legacy Application to Kubernetes Platform

News UK transformed the legacy Grails app to modern Kubernetes platform, achieving streamlined, error-free processes. Leveraged containerization, Helm, ConfigMaps, and centralised secrets management for enhanced security and operational efficiency.

Cost savings by reducing bottlenecks and manual tasks

Automated security reduced the risk of manual intervention

High quality user experience with performance monitoring


Faster issue resolution


High-Performance Platform for a Growing Community

Developed a frictionless platform to ensure that the user experience matched the vision for speed, scalability, and reliability. Utilised modern DevOps tools and methods to create more effective pipelines, enable faster issue resolution, and maintain consistent high performance.

High reliability with IaC, automated pipelines and tooling

Accelerated production

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How is Armakuni different?

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We show people what good looks like (because we have experienced it, many times). We put metrics on the landscape to help understand where we need to focus and demonstrate the change. We enable your people to deliver the change, through coaching and pair programming. Success for us is stepping back out of a modern cloud native engineering/technology/digital function.

What is Armakuni Way?

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The AK way is a collection of approaches for “delivery with engineering agility” that we have used for many years as a baseline when we are engaging with clients. It’s not meant to be a fixed approach model, nor is it the only way we work - as we all know, operating in the world of software is about adaptation and pragmatism - but these approaches have served us well across a range of industries, projects and engagements, and are constantly evolving. If the client/team/dept we are working with doesn’t have a practice in place for any of these practices, then we have something to fall back on.

What is Armakuni Insights?

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Many of our clients do not have the insights to help them really see what is going on within technology. A technology practice within an organisation is a function of its people, teams, organisational structures, leadership, technical direction and strategic direction. No 2 organisations are the same, and their ability to perform is dependant on so many intangible factors. We’ve created a series of exercises based on industry best practices to help you better articulate the true state of your team. By using a combination of quantitative, data-driven metrics, as well as qualitative insights, we provide your teams with a sense of their strengths and areas for improvement.

How will you work with us?

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Most of our engagements with clients are about helping them change how they deliver technology, whether helping with the adoption of scalable microservices, or building self serve infrastructure platforms. However, in the most part we are helping our clients adopt the mindset, practices and approaches that will enable this approach beyond our time onsite - modern, cloud native engineering practices. Alongside this, we enable the change of the technology function as a whole (structurally) and how the technology function interacts with the rest of the business - whether that’s with business functions, governance, audit/security and others. Below is a “typical” engagement model, but our approaches and modular/productised and so we often just do one part of this. Step 1 - Understand the landscape/topography In order to work with a client, we need to understand what is going on in their organisation, with an external focus/viewpoint. Step 2 - Start to plan the roadmap Once we have a view on where the organisation is at, we start to work with leadership on where they are trying to get to, aligning to the organisation strategy and/or the engineering/technology strategy, and build out a roadmap. Step 3 - Educate In an ideal world, the entirety of the (technology) organisation understands what we are trying to achieve. Typically we find that there is a lot of “unconscious incompetence” - ie people don’t know what the don’t know - so we run sessions/workshops to demonstrate hands on what good looks like. This aligns the whole organisation to the approaches and mindset that we are trying to distil into the teams - and “should” create a sense of desire around that end goal. Step 4 - Start to drive change This can take many forms, but all are based around coaching individuals or teams through the change. Example: An Engineering Accelerator: we embed a pair of experienced practitioners into a team to coach and pair (rotating round your team) for 3 months, shaping that team into a modern cloud native engineering mindset and ensuring that the practices are embedded and desired by the team, not a chore. Step 5 - Observe, Orientate, Decide, Act Constant observation, sensing of what is working, what is not, learning and adapting as we go.

How do you measure business outcomes?

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At a technology/implementation level, Armakuni uses the Dora research and metrics, based on over 12 years of surveys, research and data collation, to benchmark and guide technology performance metrics to business outcomes. We combine this with our Engineering Insights which helps us look at broader environmental metrics - capabilities, approaches, psychological safety, cognitive load - all significant factors in a function's ability to respond to business/organisational needs. At a more holistic/contextual level, we identify the symptoms/issues that the broader business is experiencing and tie these back to the metrics we gather so we can demonstrate change over time.

Find out how we build with you, not just for you

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Growth Street

We are a small team and we want to keep our software engineers focused on product development. With AK we were able to ring fence the whole project and hand it over. Although the problem required a bespoke solution it didn’t feel difficult. The whole platform was designed, built, and managed with minimum input required from us

Greg Hinch
Greg Hinch

Head of Product, Growth Street


Armakuni exemplify best practice. Our team is more confident, more effective and more knowledgeable thanks to our engagement with them.

Chris Bond
Chris Bond

Head of Engineering, Daisie

News UK

Armakuni made a significant impact. While they improved team productivity and quality, what stood out was their in-depth assessment of our engineering capability. Their report highlighted key risks we hadn't identified and guided our strategic decisions for years.

Armakuni is a professional and skilled consultancy in a field crowded with less reliable players.

Christina Scott
Christina Scott

CIO, News UK

Comic Relief

When I was COO of Comic Relief, I faced significant technology challenges, including outdated donation processes. I commissioned Armakuni to build a state-of-the-art donation platform, and they exceeded expectations. Delivered on time and within budget, the platform contributed to Comic Relief surpassing £100m in donations for the first time. Their work remains vital to this day.

I highly recommend Armakuni.

Derek Gannon
Derek Gannon

COO, Comic Relief

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